my friend is into bats and it's her birthday colored this rhino today I am just blogging this post and not get into so ...
torstai 31. joulukuuta 2015
Fame and perfect love
We have a wall in home that has tulip wallpaper. I was drawn to this flat because of the wall.
Does anyone remember the chant from the movie The Craft, "In perfect love and perfect trust"? Well it it's older than that, but definately not Hollywood's.
I used to have a mood theme on my livejournal that was from the Craft movie, and one was from the Puppet episode, in Angel. They made some pretty good movies in 1996.
I was given an advice last night to take blogging as a chore so I wouldn't detest it, but I love to force the little connections in my brain to produce something, which is nice.
I'm getting drunk on punch we're making for newyears. I am yet to write any resolutions down anywhere, but maybe if I just committed to something for months to come inside my head and there wasn't a need to write anyhing down. I'll be the same after the year has changed, after all...
life path number 1, know thyself
Get yours here:
Your destiny pulls you in the direction of independence, both in life and in the work force. You are strongly driven with high morals making you an excellent boss and strong member of your household. You should be careful of becoming too aggressive or violent as these traits can appear when the respect you feel you deserve is not given. Overall you can accomplish much in your life. You have the determination to do so. Ideal Job: Self employed business owner
1st ChallengeYour challenge is to become more open to the spiritual world. You have a tendency to be too logical and not open to things you can not see or easily understand. You must have faith, and not let your pride prohibit you from learning something new.
3rd Challenge
Your challenge here is to work on your personal self, you as an individual as opposed to your race, religion or nationality. You will face many situations where your own moral beliefs will conflict with that of the crowd. You main challenge at this stage is to learn how and when to stand up for your personal beliefs and not just go with what others want.
1st Pinnacle
The duration of the First Pinnacle Cycle runs from birth to the age of 35.
During this period of your life you will become very insightful, making you a great moderator, teacher, philosopher or other such job. Your ability to fully understand both sides of an argument will be your greatest strength and weakness during this time. You will have to be careful not to become too involved with other people's issues. Although you are a great problem solver, you should not let that become the main purpose of your life.
1st Period
1st Period
The duration of the First Period Cycle runs from birth until the age of 35
The duration of the First Period Cycle runs from birth until the age of 35
During this period of your life you will be attracted to the bigger picture. Not just the bigger picture in your life, the the bigger picture for all mankind. You will have the ability to effect great change in the world if you choose to accept the consequences.
Karma Lessons
You may be too shy at times. You must learn to be more assertive and forceful.
You are too impulsive at times. You must learn the finer arts of diplomacy.
You may find yourself deep in your comfort zone. You will ahve to try new things more often.
You will be self-centered at times. You must learn to collect facts and come to logical, reasonable conclusions.
You can take too many risks at time. This can hurt you financially, learn to be less impulsive.
Your ego can become to great at times. Learn to be more compassionate of those around you.
hidden passions
You will have the gift of gab and be a natural social butterfly.
You are naturally goal orientated and a natural problem solver.
You are a teacher and educator at heart.
I'm compulsive, logical, helpful, impulsive, risk-taking... (my mayers-briggs personality type is INTP! it's quite rare)
Greetings from me, blessed be...
books along the way
Chaos finds me, balance I have to seek
Even though my god is celtic, I'm not a Celt.
Listening to a chant for Aradia too.
Maybe I should make a youtube channel for wiccan chant as well :~)
I've got to look into spells about emotional baggage/chaos in my life, because of the recurring dreams.
-Blessed be xo
keskiviikko 30. joulukuuta 2015
New Year's Eve x
Good morning. I was packing in my dreams, again. It was books and all sort of stuff from my little ponies to occult things, and I was on a cruise ship that was leaving. I woke up after I saw the bookshelf full of books I had to choose from as it was getting heavy to carry everything.
That's what I probably do all night in my dreams. It may mean there are big changes coming, or I don't know.
Here's a picture I saw on Instagram by the way. My fiancé doesn't sleep well on full moon, he claims. Maybe plan ahead?
Moon and rain be with you.
forget about itte ane it wille goe awaye

I was unappreciative of my body today. Maybe I should bless myself again with salt until I stop putting that evil stuff in me. It was just a pizza and some chocolate etc but it will be showing on my body tomorrow.
I'm sorry mother earth for I have not treated my body in a balanced healthy way... tomorrow is another day when I will celebrate 2017 and it won't look pretty.
My body is a temple as well and I didn't respect it. Just saying.
questionnaire post
These are great Questionnaire questions for my coven:
(I should probably answer these myself as well.)
Name (first name or magical name only is OK)Phone:
Where did you find out about us?
Are you at least 18 years of age?
How long have you been practicing the Craft?
What do you think worshiping Mother Earth is all about?
What Craft related books have you read?
How do you feel about worship of and service to the old gods?
Which gods and goddesses have you studied and/or worked with?
Are you an initiate of any pagan, magical, esoteric or mystery school or group? If so please give names of groups and your level of experience in each group.
Do you belong to any other groups, societies or associations?
If you are in a committed relationship, how does your significant other feel about your interest in the Craft?
Have you ever been under psychiatric care?
What is your most memorable Craft, magical or Circle experience?
What is your most significant or moving psychic experience?
Do you have valid driver's license and reliable transportation?
Are you employed and/or a student?
Please provide a complete outline of your religious training and experience to date.
Why are you interested in becoming a member?
What do you believe you can offer the coven?
Do you have any questions?
Best year of my life on a magical island in the UK
I was pretty upset to leave Isle of Wight. England has Stonehenge, it has druids, it has witches...
Finland has some gods and lore of it's own, too, but I will save that for later.
It is now ten years since I was an exchange student there. I think it were pretty spiritual trip, I spent a lot of time in the library and not just on the computers. The library's selection was better than the ones I've seen in my country... wiccan that and self-help this... mediums and intuition, and cooks and actors, history... it was a most spiritual trip also.
I leave you now with my memories. Today wasn't a specially Wiccan day, but 2017 is soon. 365 new days to get something going.
Get in contact with me, I won't bite!
blessed be...
tiistai 29. joulukuuta 2015
I practised on my ritual and circle casting... I got a little black cape from China and decided to start meditating in a circle I cleansed with salt and put stones around and waved my athame. I did forget to use a broom to cleanse the space as well. I lighted a white candle and after blessing myself, ate a mars bar and energy drink to ground myself.
I put our dog in another room for that time. My fiance is also elsewhere.
maanantai 28. joulukuuta 2015
Cernunnos and Goddess
"charged" images from some scammer fortune woman |
a necklace piece |
burners for oils |
my night table / altar for now |
athame |
I leave you now so blessed be.
Massare's of innocents
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my friend is into bats and it's her birthday |
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colored this rhino today |
Blessed morning to all. I mean it's soon noon. The winter sun is still shinining and moon waning.
I've been thinking of getting pictures on here to show what pagan items I have, since I'm out of ink to print anything to my book of shadows, and for some reason I have started it in Finnish as well, which is my first language.
It sounds great to do posts about my altar and so on.
sunnuntai 27. joulukuuta 2015
Building Your Path
What do you have to offer to the gods and goddess? Perhaps you are able to make a ritual, so you offer them wine at the end, to center yourself back again to everyday life.
You don't have to offer a lot, perhaps flowers, building an altar, buying some things like herbs and incence or an athame or books about wicca... or make stuff like your own wand (not the Harry Potter style, always ask permission from the tree.) if you're in the broom closet, maybe build an altar in a small box you could hide, wearing a pentagram around your neck for protection, or start building your own book of shadows... You could actually spend money at first on things, but it's nature you're tuning to. Celebrating the Seasons, sabbats, maybe saying a chant or drawing a rune once in a while for love/luck/protection etc... Everything will come to you, I promise.
You don't have to offer a lot, perhaps flowers, building an altar, buying some things like herbs and incence or an athame or books about wicca... or make stuff like your own wand (not the Harry Potter style, always ask permission from the tree.) if you're in the broom closet, maybe build an altar in a small box you could hide, wearing a pentagram around your neck for protection, or start building your own book of shadows... You could actually spend money at first on things, but it's nature you're tuning to. Celebrating the Seasons, sabbats, maybe saying a chant or drawing a rune once in a while for love/luck/protection etc... Everything will come to you, I promise.
I'm an air and earth witch. I initiated myself into Wicca over ten years ago when I was about 14.
I am now 27 year-old female, so you might call me a priestess (instead of the priest).
My god/desses names will be written with a small letter in front, because there are many gods, not just one monotheist one... You may find yourself the ones you feel most connected to from any time and space, fairies and other things are welcome here as well. Numbers 13, 7 etc magical numbers are important to us. Everything also comes back to you three-fold.
I will keep chanting until we have enough people interested in being in my coven. I live in Finland, wicca isn't a recognized religion here, I must tread careful, but I will welcome you a part in the blog and coven, and will make it a secret when enough people want to join in writing it...
Blessed be~~
I am now 27 year-old female, so you might call me a priestess (instead of the priest).
My god/desses names will be written with a small letter in front, because there are many gods, not just one monotheist one... You may find yourself the ones you feel most connected to from any time and space, fairies and other things are welcome here as well. Numbers 13, 7 etc magical numbers are important to us. Everything also comes back to you three-fold.
I will keep chanting until we have enough people interested in being in my coven. I live in Finland, wicca isn't a recognized religion here, I must tread careful, but I will welcome you a part in the blog and coven, and will make it a secret when enough people want to join in writing it...
Blessed be~~
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